A labour force survey is conducted twice a year, in April and September. These surveys are conducted for the working age population (persons 14 years or older). Persons of working age who do not have any employment and who do not want employment are not considered to be in the labour force.
Labour Force
LFS Summary Findings, September 2019
LFS Summary Findings, April 2019
LFS Summary Findings, April 2018
LFS Summary Findings, September 2017
LFS Summary Findings, April 2017
LFS Summary Findings, September 2016
LFS Summary Findings, April 2016
LFS Summary Findings, September 2015
LFS Summary Findings, April 2015
LFS Summary Findings, September 2014
LFS Summary Findings, April 2014
LFS Summary Findings, September 2013
LFS Summary Findings, April 2013
LFS Summary Findings, September 2012
LFS Summary Findings, April 2012
Labour Force Survey Tables, September 2019
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2019
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2018
Labour Force Survey Tables, September 2017
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2017
Labour Force Survey Tables, September 2016
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2016
Labour Force Survey Tables, September 2015
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2015
Labour Force Survey Tables, September 2014
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2014
Labour Force Survey Tables, September 2013
Labour Force Survey Tables, April 2013