Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) Director General, Dr. Leopold Perriott, has assumed the Pro Tempore Presidency of the Central American Statistical Commission (CENTROESTAD). As one of the regional organizations of the Central American System of Integration (SICA), this organization is comprised of the heads of the national statistical offices of the six Central American countries and the Dominican Republic, with guidance and support from the SICA General Secretariat.
The principal objectives of the CENTROESTAD are to facilitate the development of a regional statistical system which generates timely and relevant statistical information on Central America and the Dominican Republic, and to promote the harmonization of statistical methodologies and definitions to allow for comparison and aggregation of data for the region as a whole. It also provides member countries the opportunity for capacity building in topics of regional importance, provides a forum for the exchange of experiences and best practices, and facilitates linkages between the statistical agencies of the region and various international agencies.
The Pro Tempore Presidency of CENTROESTAD, as with the larger SICA body, rotates among member countries every six months. Dr. Perriott’s term as Pro Tempore President will run from July to December 2018. During this time, he will work closely with the CENTROESTAD Secretariat to organize regional meetings and to set the agenda for these meetings.