The fourth decennial population and housing census since 1960 was conducted in 1991.


The 1991 Population and Housing Census utilized the de jure approach, which involved enumerating all individuals who had either lived or intended to live in Belize for at least six months. This included individuals residing in both households and institutions, regardless of their presence during the enumerator’s visit, as well as individuals found to be living on the streets. The census did not include military personnel and their families residing in military barracks or camps, as well as members of the diplomatic corps residing in the residences of Ambassadors or High Commissioners.


Given that this was the only opportunity to get data from the entire population for the upcoming decade, an effort was made to collect information on the following subjects:

Household Questionnaire Person Questionnaire
Housing General Characteristics (age, sex, religion, ethnicity, language)
Emigration Disability
Birthplace and Residence
Education and Training
Marital Status, Union Status, and Fertility
Economic Activity
Population by district, CTV, sex, and number of households
Census 1991
District CTV
wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at District CTV Total Male Female Number of Households
1 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Corozal Town 6,595 3,258 3,337 1,462
2 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Buena Vista 362 187 175 71
3 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Calcutta 735 374 361 138
4 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Caledonia 1,143 600 543 194
5 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Carolina 171 92 79 28
6 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Chan Chen 489 260 229 96
7 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Chunox 732 374 358 119
8 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Concepcion 889 449 440 154
9 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Consejo 138 75 63 42
10 jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM jromero 25/07/2024 10:11 AM Corozal Copper Bank 296 167 129 52

Source: Statistical Institute of Belize. 1991 Population and Housing Census.