In 1980, there was a total of 300 enumerators conducting the census, which ran from April 14th to May 12th. The census questionnaire for that year addressed 9 sections: area in which a person lived, characteristics of the person, migration, education, economic activity, fertility, housing characteristics and languages spoken. Media advertisements urged cooperation from the…


Before 1970, censuses were all conducted in one night. After 1970, however, there was greater financing provided to hire more enumerators and additional time was given to carry out the census. That year was known as the Year of Census for most countries and the information collected was tabulated and provided to the United Nations…

Did You Know

Although comprising only a minimal share of the total census budget, public awareness is an instrumental component of this exercise, serving to instill in the general populace the importance of conducting a census, encourage participation by households, promote buy-in from stakeholders, and publicize the findings after data has been processed and analysed.


In 1960, census officials started using the media to inform the public of the census. According to newspaper advertisements, this census started at 6:00 pm and ended at midnight. A total of 160 enumerators were hired to collect the data. Those who were not counted by morning were asked to contact the Census Officer immediately.…


In November 1931, the Colony of British Honduras was instructed to discontinue work on the census and to dismiss temporary clerks. This was due to financial deficiency resulting from the aftermath of the devastating hurricane, the Belize Hurricane, which struck the Colony on the 10th September 1931 with category 4 winds that killed an estimated…

Did You Know

In 1901, 33.67% of the population could read while 28.63% could have only written their names. This was a slight increase of 2.03% and 0.97% respectively, when compared to April 1891. It was on the night of April 02, 1911 that the first Houses and Population Census was conducted, which included a count of the…

1861 – 1931

After 1861 and up to April 1931, a Census was conducted every 10 years. While there was always careful supervision, enumerators frequently reported difficulties in reaching households (Report of the Census of British Honduras, 1911). Another problem that has posed a challenge to enumerators even up to more recent censuses is the disinclination of individuals…

1836 – 1860

There are no census records between the years of 1836 and 1860 because, as recorded in the ‘Blue Book of 1855’, no Census had been taken for years. An approximation in 1855, estimated the population at 15,000 persons. In the ‘West Indian Census, 1946’ document it was observed that the censuses conducted up to 1835…

1823 – 1835

After 1820 and up until 1835, the population census was conducted every 3 years. During this time, the process involved the completion of returns, which were handed in at the Records Office. This method of counting the population proved not satisfactory to the Keeper of Records because many free persons did not participate. Population counts…