Background and Objective

The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) is an international survey programme developed in the mid-1990s by the United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF). It is designed to generate data on key indicators used to assess the well-being of women and children, with the aim of helping to shape policies for the improvement of their lives. Since its inception over two decades ago, the MICS has been carried out in 120 countries worldwide and has become a major source of information for monitoring the progress towards international development goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Information is collected on a wide variety of topics including maternal and child health, education, child mortality, child protection, and water and sanitation among others.

To date, Belize has successfully implemented three rounds of the MICS – MICS 3 (2006), MICS 4 (2011) and MICS 5 (2015), and preparations are currently underway to conduct MICS7, which is scheduled to start in June 2024. The MICS is one of the largest household surveys carried out by the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB), second only to the Population and Housing Census. It is an important component for monitoring and reporting on national development policies such as The Children’s Agenda 2017-2030; Plan Belize Medium Term Development Strategy; Breastfeeding Policy; Nutrition Policy, Early Childhood Development Policy; Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy; Education Sector Strategy; Health Strategic Plan; Social Protection Floor Initiative; National Parenting Strategy; National Gender Policy; National AIDS Policy; Adolescent Health National Strategic Plan, and the National Youth Policy. Participation in the MICS supports the SIB’s mandate of collecting, compiling, analyzing, and disseminating official statistics relating to Belize and will provide valuable information for evidence-based planning and decision-making.

MICS Committees

Multiple committees have been formed to effectively plan and implement MICS7, as well as to distribute information to individuals nationwide. These committees will facilitate stakeholder engagement and promote a sense of ownership in the process. The creation of various committees aims to achieve key targets such as accepting and disseminating results, conducting further data analysis, and utilizing the information for policy-making, advocacy, and monitoring the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related goals, as well as national commitments. Committees will support the MICS by encouraging, promoting, and providing financial and in-kind contributions for its funding.

The following committees have been established to oversee the implementation of MICS7.

This team forms the executing arm of SIB charged with the proper and timely conduct of the MICS7.

  • Promotes participation in the MICS7 process at the senior management level.
  • Is an advisory body to the Core Team on matters related to policymaking, advocacy to senior government members and monitoring the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development and related goals, as well as national commitments.
  • Review of key findings and Final Report.
  • Monitors the progress of the MICS7 and provides guidance on the ethical conduct of the survey.
  • Encourages, promotes and seeks financial and in-kind contributions towards the funding of the MICS7.
  • Assists and advises the Core Team on timelines for the MICS7.
  • Organizes and facilitates the various national engagements, MOU signing, Data Needs Assessment, survey design, data collection instruments sessions, the presentation of the preliminary findings, the validation of the MICS findings, the launch of the MICS 7 and MICs Pilot (WASH)
  • Monitors the MICS detailed timeline and budget for the survey implementation.
  • Establishes effective communication channels with relevant stakeholders (Steering Committee, Technical Committee, and Communication Committee).
  • Monitors and evaluates the progress of the survey implementation.
  • Provides recommendations and solutions for any challenges that arise during the survey implementation.

A Technical Committee will be established to provide support to the MICS Core Team on technical decisions and processes, to promote understanding and utilization of the survey and results, and to provide technical advice to the Steering Committee on survey planning, implementation, and dissemination. More detailed responsibilities of the committee are to:

  • To review the data gaps indicated in the data needs assessment and advise on the list of indicators, the questionnaire modules, and content.
  • To appoint dedicated focal points on ethics and develop a protection protocol for ensuring that ethical concerns are reflected on and mitigated during the life cycle of the survey.
  • To review and advise on the sampling plan and sample design.
  • To review and advise on the customized questionnaires and manuals.
  • To assist in identifying facilitators for selected sessions of the training for the pre-test exercise and fieldwork exercises.
  • To assist in the preparation for the fieldwork, including informing all the related stakeholders.
  • To review the draft tabulations, the statistical analysis, and draft chapters of the Key Findings and Final Reports and provide technical inputs of the organizations represented on the technical committee.
  • To reach out and consult experts if needed for the preparation of the Final Report, if produced.
  • To review and advise on the dashboard used for monitoring indicators in real time.
  • To highlight key messages for dissemination of the findings.

The objective of the GIS/IT Committee is to ensure the accurate, effective implementation and use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Information Technology (IT) systems for the MICS7 survey during its various phases. This will allow for the successful completion of MICS 7 in a timely and efficient manner. In addition, this committee will assist in maximizing the effectiveness of the activity by promoting collaboration and building capacity among the various organizations represented, in alignment with the strategic goals and objectives.

The MICS communications team consists of professionals from the Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB), UNICEF, and government agencies including the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the Department of Youth Services. By employing strategic communication planning, data visualization, and outreach endeavors, the aim is to effectively disseminate MICS findings to a broad spectrum of recipients, encompassing policymakers, community leaders, and the general public. This team plays a crucial role in raising awareness about important issues impacting children and families in Belize, promoting dialogue, and facilitating positive change by utilizing their expertise and resources. Their dedication to effective communication plays a crucial role in promoting the welfare and rights of children in the nation.

The Family Support Committee plays a crucial role in addressing issues related to Violence Against Women (VAW). Their primary focus includes reviewing the VAW module, offering support to data producers during its administration, and enhancing access to essential services. The committee is dedicated to designing and developing protocols for a seamless referral pathway, ensuring a coordinated and effective response to incidents of violence. Additionally, they are actively involved in disseminating communications about the referral pathway and providing technical support throughout the data collection process. By combining these efforts, the Family Support Committee strives to create a comprehensive support system for those affected by VAW, emphasizing both prevention and assistance.

Modules included in MICS7 Questionnaires

The following modules will be included in the 2024 Belize MICS7:

Household Questionnaire

Base Complementary
Household information panel (HH) Food Insecurity Experience (FE)
List of household members (HL)
Education: Attainment [age 3+] (ED)
Education: Attendance [age 3-24] (ED)
Household characteristics (HC)
Water quality testing

Questionnaire for Women Age 15-49 Years

Base Complementary
Woman’s information panel (WM) IYCF: Initial breastfeeding (IYCF)
Woman’s background (WB) Menstrual health and hygiene (UN)
ICT use (IC) Attitudes toward domestic violence
Fertility / Birth history (CM) Discrimination
Antenatal care (MN) Safety
Delivery care (MN) Tobacco use
Marriage/Union Alcohol use
Mental health

Questionnaire for Men Age 15-49 Years

Base Complementary
Man’s information panel (MW) Attitudes toward domestic violence
Man’s background (MWB) Discrimination
ICT use (MIC) Safety
Marriage/Union Tobacco use
Alcohol use
Mental health

Questionnaire for Children and Adolescents Age 5-17 Years

Base Complementary
5-17 child information panel (FS) Child functioning (FCF)
5-17 child’s background (CB) Anthropometric Measurements Form [age 5-9] (FA)
Child labour (CL)
Child discipline [age 5-14] (FCD)
Household involvement in education [age 7-14] (PR)
Foundational Learning skills [direct, age 7-14] (FL)

Questionnaire for Children Under Five

Base Complementary
Under-five child information panel (UF) Child Functioning
Under-five’s background (UB) IYCF: Breastfeeding and dietary intake [age 0-1] (IYCF)
Early childhood development (EC) Birth Registration
Child discipline [age 1-4] (UCD)
Immunisation [age 0-2] (IM)

MICS7 Timeline of Activities

Listing Exercise - November 6, 2023 to January 31, 2024

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Field Staff Recruitment - February 1 to May 31st, 2024

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Wash Training - May 20th to 24th, 2024

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PAPI Field Test - May 23rd & 24th, 2024

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CAPI Field Test - June 8th to 11th, 2024

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Sensitization Visits - June 13th to 26th, 2024

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Data Collection - August 27th to November 30th, 2024

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MICS7 Launch - April 2025

MICS7 Resources

Unicef Belize Virtual Launch of MICS Plus Pilot
National Commission for Families and Children (NCFC)speaks on MICS Data in Child Protection