Statistical Institute of Belize Signs Memorandum of Understanding for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 7 (MICS7)

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Statistical Institute of Belize Signs Memorandum of Understanding for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 7 (MICS7)   Belmopan, Belize – The Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding, in partnership with the Ministry of Economic Development and UNICEF Belize, to carry out the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey…

Consumer prices increase 6.7 percent, imports up 10.3 percent and domestic exports down 29 percent in December 2022

Data from the Statistical Institute of Belize’s most recent monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) survey indicated that, for December 2022, the All-items CPI, which summarizes price levels for all categories of consumer goods and services, stood at 112.8, an increase from 105.7 recorded in December 2021 (see Figure 1). This indicates that the country experienced…

Unemployment rate at 5 percent in October 2022, economy grew by 12.8 percent in third quarter of 2022, consumer prices up 6.5 percent, and both imports and exports up 28.4 percent and 33.1 percent respectively

Today, the Statistical Institute of Belize published its latest statistics on the Consumer Price Index, Merchandise Trade, 3rd Quarter 2022 Gross Domestic Product, and the October 2022 Labor Force Survey.   Consumer Price Index The most recent data from the Statistical Institute of Belize’s monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) survey indicated that, for November 2022,…