Consumer prices increase 4.5 percent, imports up 49.3 percent, and domestic exports down 18 percent in February 2022

The most recent results from the Statistical Institute of Belize’s monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) survey show that for February 2022, the All-Items CPI, which summarizes price levels across all categories of goods and services, stood at 106.6, up from 102 recorded for February 2021. This indicated that the country experienced an overall national inflation…

SIB commences training of field supervisors for the 2022 Population and Housing Census

Today, the SIB began training field supervisors for the 2022 Population and Housing Census. The two-and-a-half-week training will take place in each of the country’s nine municipalities (except Benque Viejo Town). During this period, 137 field supervisors will receive extensive training on the Census questionnaire and the various computer applications developed for the Census. The…

Training Commences for Belize’s 2022 Population and Housing Census Staff

Today, the SIB completed its training of trainers for the upcoming 2022 Population and Housing Census. The training commenced on February 14th with twenty-seven persons participating in the program. Most participants were permanent staff from various departments within the Institute who will be posted in the major municipalities across the country to oversee the conduct…